
ten abstract backgrounds for your mobile phone.

view: [ tumblr ]

download: [ .zip ]

Hobby shamer

a bot that shames people for having hobbies.

view: [ twitter ]


say those x little words to me

a tumblr bot that posts increasingly demanding romantic requests. it's no longer active.

view: [ tumblr ]

mythical beast generator

an illustrated medieval-themed creature generator. written in Python and run in-browser using Skulpt.

view: [ github ]

archival association

a twitter bot that posts salvaged scraps of paper from a lost world. it's no longer active.

view: [ twitter ]


an extremely specific joke twitter bot based on a defintion in Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary. it's no longer active.

view: [ twitter ]

musr magazine

a twitter bot that tweets fake article titles about fake indie bands. it's no longer active.

view: [ twitter ]

e.e. cumming's facebook

a userstyle makes all the text on facebook lowercase.

download: [ userstyles.org ]

cute patoot

a handwritten font.

download: [ here ]

singular they

a pixel font.

download: [ here ]